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All CollectionsDone4U Sales Automation + Online MarketingReputation Management Funnel

Our Reputation Management Funnel is part of our Done-For-You plans.

Customer Review Process

Below is how our Reputation Management Funnel works. The goal is to request reviews from your customers on your behalf and send them to appropriate channels to help improve your customer service.

Reputation Management Funnel


The link to the customer feedback/review form is on your Testimonials/Reviews page of your website.

You may also add the link to this review page to the bottom of your invoices or payment receipts, so your customers can visit this link to give you their opinion on your business and services.

Alternatively, you may send us an Microsoft Excel or CSV file with your current customers' name and email every few months and we'll contact them for you.


If your billing software or real-time customer list is accessible online, we can integrate your software with ours for instant delivery. There is a flat-rate one-time fee for this request. Please contact us for details and to make arrangements for integration.

Send Sequence

"Send sequence" is us sending an email to your customers on your behalf to solicit reviews for your business. 

If you no longer wish to receive an email notification of your account's Weekly Activity, please click the link at the bottom of the email to unsubscribe. You will be required to log in to your account to change your notification settings.

Reset Password

If you have forgotten your password, please use the link on the login page to reset to a new one. An email will be sent to you with a unique link to reset your password. Please follow the instructions to reset your password.

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