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All CollectionsDone4U Sales Automation + Online MarketingSending Articles via Pocket
Sending curated articles (interesting articles written by someone else) to us to post to your social media accounts is easy!

First, you'll need to create a free account from Pocket.* Please visit this link to create your account:

Next, copy the link (URL) of the article you found online.
In Pocket, click the plus (➕) icon located at the top right of your browser window, and paste your URL. Click Save.

Hover over the newly added article and click the label/tag (🏷️) icon. 

Add this tag to your new article and click Savesocial

Now, our software will look for any new articles in your account tagged with "social". This will prevent us from retrieving any articles that you may have accidentally added, or just wanted to read later from your account.

*Please contact us after you've created your Pocket account, and let us know your user account in order for us to connect it to our software.
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