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All CollectionsDone4U Sales Automation + Online MarketingThe premium plan offers social media updates, what does this mean?

There are two types of online content, Topical and Evergreen.

Topical content are usually updates on events that happened recently in your business. They can be a new product launch, a promotional sale, a new hire, community fundraising, etc.

Evergreen content are typically more informational and beneficial to your audience. They can be a list of something useful to them, a how-to guide, an industry-related article, or anything viral that is related to your business. Evergreen content has to expiration and a great source of recurring traffic, unlike a time-sensitive topical post.

We will be in charge of finding, curating, and posting relevant evergreen articles for your social media accounts, while you focus on your business. You can either post topical content on your social media on your own, or opt to jazz it up by sending it to us to post for you with visually appealing graphics and tags for SEO.

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